Posted tagged ‘warlocks’

An Open Letter to Every Warlock Ever

September 18, 2008

Hi, this is your friendly neighborhood healer.

Look, I dig you guys a lot. You’re rocking dps, summons are always useful time savers and your soulstones and healthstones are just great.

But I do have one teeny-tiny request. It’s all I ask, really.

Buy some water and carry it around with you. Maybe even drag some to your hotbars. If there’s a mage and he pops a buffet, grab a stack or two.

And when you’re out of combat, click that button.

Please, please stop Lifetapping your mana back and then stand there and wait for me to heal you, especially while I’m drinking after combat. It happens way too much when I’m grouping with you guys, and it’s really freaking annoying. I do not heal any warlocks who do this, and I won’t change that plan if they complain about it. If we’re in the middle of combat and you tap, and I’m holding the tank up fine, then sure, I’ll toss a heal your way. But just because you can bring all your mana back without drinking doesn’t mean you should and then wait for me to use my mana to fill your health back up.

Are we cool? Okay, cool. Thanks for understanding. Now if we could just do something about those Demonology specs…

Hugs, Kisses and Heals,

Doofy & Doffy